Personal, social and health education

Flash Card- About Place - At the Dental Clinic
1 power point file. Consists of 69 product images & its name.
- Can be use for matching game - (match word VS image)
- Can be use as puzzle - cut the image into 2, 3 or more section and rearrange them.

VIEW VIDEO - FUN WAY-This Is The Way I Brush My Teeth (IN ACTION)
What you would get:
1. 5 PDF file - 7 pages in total
What you need to get ready:
1. Colorful erasable marker pen
2. 2 transparent sheet protectors
3. 1 used or new toothbrush
4. Wet tissue
How to play with kids:
1. Print out all pages.
2. Insert page 1 & page 2 into the transparent sheet protector.
3. Use marker pen to draw some stains on the teeth.
4. Use the toothbrush to brush away the stains.
5. Wipe off using wet tissue.
6. Repeat as many time as possible.

How Animals move (Match animal with name) (Match Name with action-puzzle type)
What you would get:
1. 1 PDF file - Contains 19 types of animal, name of animals & action of animal
How to play:
1. Ask children how the animal moves & poses the action.
2. Match the image with it's name.
3. Cut out the cards according to the dotted line. Then match the animal with correct actions.

Food that gives Protein / Carbohydrate
What you would get:
1. 3 ppt file
( 1. file - food gv protein (13 food picture & word cards) , 2. file - food give carbohydrate (15 food picture & word cards), 3. file - details)
How to benefits from this:
- By group- Open discussion on the following:
1. The benefits of protein & carbohydrate
2. How long does it take for protein to be digested
3. The impact of over consumption of protein/ carbohydrate
4. What happens if less of protein / carbohydrate
5. Grouping – By Protein, carbohydrate

Talks about fruits (31 types of fruits)
What you would get:
1. 2 ppt files - (fruits with 1 seed) & (fruits with more than 1 seed)
2. Items to be discuss among children
How to play:
1. Show children the name of fruits - let them talk about it (Texture, taste, smell, size/shape & color)
2. Matching - Match picture with the name
3. Grouping - group fruits with same characteristic

Mandala - memory & concerntration game (Be group or individual game)
- The Mandala activity also trains the imaging ability of the right brain & concentration because the idea is to take a snapshot of the pattern and draw it out again based on the “photo” of the image you have in your head.
What you would get:
1. 20 colored mandala template and its blank template.
2. A pdf file
How to play:
A.) By groups
- Select 1 colored mandala, and print out the respective blank mandala for each group.
- Show the colored mandala to children in 20 seconds (time can be longer or shorter, to make it more challenging)
- Then ask the children to color according to the mandala shown.
- The fastest & correct color win the game.
B.) Individual
- Same as in group. Just no competition.
The Mandala activity helps to train observation skills and to develop the right brain’s photographic memory.
tart with simple patterns using only two or three colors and gradually increase the number of colors and difficulty. Give your child a set of color pencils and a black and white outline of the Mandala.
Ask your child to mark in the colors – just a line showing where each color should be will suffice. Your child can color in the Mandala later as a coloring activity. Check the colors off against the original Mandala to see if they are marked correctly
The second part to this exercise is intended for older children. Give your child a blank sheet of paper and the color pencils again. Flash the Mandala pattern three times for 10 seconds each time, then cover it. Ask your child to draw out the pattern and add the colors. Reveal the original Mandala pattern and see if the Mandala your child has drawn is the same.
PS: Children may use: color pencil or puzzle way to complete the task.